Iberisa le ofrece los siguientes Servicios de Ingeniería de Consulta en las distintas áreas de la Ingeniería Industrial, Naval, Ferroviaria, Aeronáutica, Automoción, Bienes de Equipo, Centrales Nucleares, Gruas y Equipos de Elevación, etc..:
Mecánica de Fluidos (CFD)
Análisis conjugados y acoplados fluido-estructura:
Análisis de Fatiga en Soldaduras y Componentes Estructurales solicitados por Cargas Dinámicas.
Análisis de Transferencia de Calor.
Análisis Estructural Estático y Dinámico (Lineal y No Lineal).
Industria Ferroviaria/Railway Industry
Project: Bearing Support

Analysis Types: Linear Static (SOL101) and Vibration Analysis (SOL103) with NX NASTRAN solver to qualify Gear Box´s Bearing Support under fatigue and torque loadings with surface-to-surface linear contact + bolt preload.
Finite Element Mesh: The FE model is composed massively by 3-D solid Tetraedral CTETRA 10-nodes elements. The bolted joint between Bearing Support and Gear Box Case was meshed using 3-D Solid CHEXA 8-nodes elements with preloading force applied directly over the 3-D solid mesh.
Project: Housing Arm

Analysis Types: Linear Static (SOL101) and Vibration Analysis (SOL103) with NX NASTRAN solver to qualify Housing Arm and Safety Catch for train´s Gear Box under different fatigue and quasy-static load cases combinations.
Finite Element Mesh: The FE model is composed massively by 3-D Solid Tetraedral CTETRA 10-nodes elements, resulting in a model size with more than 3.5 millions nodes.
Energías Renovables: Industria Eólica
Project: Adaptor Plate for Testing Wind Turbine Blades

Analysis Type: Linear Static (SOL101) with NX NASTRAN solver to account for Surface-to-Surface Linear Contact Stress (no penetration) between Adaptor Plate, Divisor Ring and Fittings + Bolt Preload, mounted as an interface between the Wind Turbine Blade and the Testing Ring.
Finite Element Mesh: The FEMAP model is composed massively by 3-D solid hexaedral bricks CHEXA 8-nodes elements. The bolts were meshed as 1-D Beam CBAR 2-nodes elements and one RBE3 element was used to transmit the Maximum Static Moment load at the Blade Root section to the Adaptor Plate. Also RBE2 elements were used to define rigid joints for bolts nut & head with components.
Fabricación de Bicicletas/Hi-Tech Sports Industry:
Project: ORBEA RALLON X10 Mountain Bike (MTB)

Analysis Type: Linear Static (SOL101) and Vibration Analysis (SOL103) with NX NASTRAN solver to account for Stiffness & Stress in the mountain bike frame.
Finite Element Mesh: Frame meshed massively with 2-D Shell CQUAD4 4-nodes elements and 3-D Solid Hexaedral bricks CHEXA 8-nodes elements, using GLUE Edge-to-Face to define the Shell-Solid interface.
Project: ORBEA RALLON X10 Mountain Bike (MTB)