NX Thermal
NX TMG Thermal for NX Advanced Simulation environment solves engineering heat transfer problems within the most complex NX assemblies.
combines the versatility of FE-based modeling with the accuracy of a finite-difference solver. The high order finite volume simulations offer fast and high fidelity numerical predictions of radiation, conduction and convection heat transfer problems. NX TMG Thermal can also be coupled seamlessly to NX Flow, the NX CFD solution, for coupled thermo-fluid simulation.

NX Thermal Couplings provide a powerful and efficient capability for modeling heat flow between unconnected parts and components. Multiple «what-if» scenarios and positioning of parts within an assembly can be investigated by defining thermal coupling parameters between unconnected parts once. Thermal coupling types include conductive, radiative, convective and interface couplings.Thermal couplings can be defined as varying within model parameters, such as temperature or heat load. All heat paths between unconnected parts are created at runtime automatically.
NX Thermal solver capabilities
- Steady-state and transient (linear and nonlinear).
- Fully coupled conduction, radiation and convection heat transfer simulation.
- Iterative conjugate gradient solver technology.
- Efficient time stepping and other advanced transient algorithms.
- Diffuse view (form) factor calculations with shadowing.
- Hemicube-based view factor calculation (using graphics card hardware).
- Material non-linear thermal properties.
- Axis-symmetric modeling.
- Cyclic thermal problems.
Thermal Couplings technology for modeling thermal contacts within NX assemblies
- Thermally connect disjoint and dissimilar mesh faces and edges.
- Surface-to-surface, edge-to-edge or edge-to-surface contact modeling between parts: constant, time or temperature-dependent coefficient of heat transfer, resistance or conductance.
- Radiative exchange between disjoint part faces (or faces within a single part).
- Interface modeling between connected parts: constant, time or temperature-dependent coefficient of heat transfer, resistance or conductance.
Applied heat loads
- Constant and time-dependent:
- Heat loads.
- Heat flux.
- Heat generation.
- All applied loads can be controlled with temperature-controlled thermostat conditions.
Temperature boundary conditions
- Constant temperature for steady-state or transient.
- Time varying for transient and for nonlinear steady-state.
- Thermostat temperature controls.

Conduction heat transfer
- Handles large conduction models (memory efficient data scheme).
- Temperature-dependent conductivity, specific heat.
- Orthotropic conductivity.
- Heat of formation at phase change temperature.
Convection heat transfer
- Constant, time and temperature-dependent heat transfer coefficients
- Parameter and nonlinear temperature gradient functions
Radiation heat transfer
- Constant and temperature-dependent emissivity.
- Multiple radiation enclosures.
- Diffuse view (form) factor calculations with shadowing.
- Net view (form) factor calculations.
- Adaptive scheme for view (form) factor sum optimization.
- Hemicube-based view (form) factors calculation using graphics card hardware.
- Radiation patch generation to condense large element-based radiation models.
- Radiation matrix controls and parameters.
Initial conditions
- Starting temperatures for both steady-state and transient runs.
- Starting temperatures from previous solution results, or from file.
Solver solution attributes
- Restart conditions
- Cyclic convergence criteria
- Direct access to solver parameters
- Solver convergence criteria and relaxation factors
- Solver monitor with solution convergence and attributes
- Intermediate results display and recovery directly from solver progress monitor
NX results post-processing
- Temperature.
- Temperature gradient.
- Total load and flux.
- Conductive flux.
- Convective flux.
- Convection coefficient.
- Residual.
- View factor sum.
NX Thermal specific post-processing features
- Results Reporter.
- Summary of results to Excel worksheets.
- Heat flow calculation between groups.
- Heat maps.
- Complete or partial deactivation of selected elements (for radiation form factors calculations).
- Temperature mapping for Nastran and other FE models.