NX Flow
NX™ Advanced Flow es un módulo adicional de la familia NX™ Advanced Simulation que amplía las capacidades de NX Flow y NX Electronic Systems Cooling (requiere licencia de NX Flow como pre-requisito). NX Advanced Flow es una potente herramienta para la resolución de complejos problemas de análisis de fluidos (CFD). Combinado con NX Thermal y NX Advanced Thermal permite resolver una amplia gama de problemas multifísicos de acoplamiento fluido-térmico. NX Advanced Flow simula flujos internos y externos incluyendo flujos compresibles y de alta velocidad, fluidos no Newtonianos, trayectorias de partículas pesadas, condiciones de contorno en movimiento y soporte de múltiples marcos de rotación de referencia.

NX Advanced Flow uses computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to accurately and efficiently simulate fluid flow and convection. An element-based, finite volume CFD scheme is used to compute 3D fluid velocity, temperature and pressure by solving the Navier-Stokes equations. NX Advanced Flow technology allows users to model complex fluid flow problems. NX Advanced flow is an add-on to NX Flow and NX Electronic Systems Cooling.
Aplicaciones de NX Advanced Flow
Calculation of drag and lift forces.
Simulation of automotive underhood cooling.
Flow analysis for HVAC systems.
Modeling high speed compressible flows to find choking conditions or to find the location of shock waves.
Simulation of high speed rotating equipment.
Simulation of non-Newtonian fluid flow in applications with fluids such as blood and slurry.
Capacidades añadidas a las disponibles en NX Flow
Single and multiple rotating frames of reference.
Additional turbulence models such as SST and k-Omega
High speed flows with supersonic inlet.
General scalars diffusion and heavy particle tracking.
Humidity and condensation algorithm.
Non-Newtonian fluid models.
Moving boundaries (statically applied translating and rotating walls).
Translational and rotational periodicity.
CFD intermediate results recovery allowing solver restart.
1D duct flow coupled with 3D flow.
Implicit convection correlations to ambient conditions.
Postprocesado de Resultados
Mach number.
Humidity and condensation data.
Scalars distribution data.
Additional turbulence data.
Tracking of heavy particles.
PPD-Percentage People Dissatisfied (HVAC applications).
PMV-Predicted Mean Vote (HVAC applications).
Track and plot flow data on specific regions at run time.